Business Intelligence

Most organizations are sitting on a goldmine of information, from customer purchase histories, to product profitability data. Those who can use data to their advantage will win. The challenge is to get visibility into your data—to gain the insights needed to target the most profitable customers and win new sales. Now it is possible to use familiar tools, like Microsoft Excel, to get to the data you need, and to use that data to generate the insights that will help you grow your business.

As a Solution Partner we would like to be an extension of your team, playing an integral role in your development and growth. We provide assistance in the following:

Business Intelligence Customer Analysis - Profiling of customers based on:

Demographics: Age, income group, location, education etc.
Purchasing history: Customer loyalty programs to offer special promotions.
Customer trends - Customer preferences and buying habits. (ex. prefer chocolate ice cream over vanilla).
Predict customer demand: Predict if a customer will purchase a particular product.
Customer recommendation: Provide product purchase recommendations to customer.

Business Intelligence Market Analysis – Segmentation and Opportunity identification

Market segmentation – based on age, income, education (Clustering).
Identification of cross-sell/up-sell opportunities.
Measuring campaign effectiveness by analysing:
   • Product sales prior to campaign
   • Product sales after campaign
Identify those who responded to sales campaigns, new product offerings.

Business Intelligence Human Resources(HR) Analysis - Helps in lowering costs, increased revenue, and greater profitability

Employee and Manager turnaround rate
Training costs Vs Profitability
Employee Talent Vs Goals achieved
Cost per recruitment

Business Intelligence Excel Based Data Analysis

Use raw data in Excel spreadsheets to analyse trends and patterns of business data to explore valuable information.
Data analysis with charts, graphs and tables.
Interactive dashboards, KPI’s and reports.
Analyse Key Influencers.