Date Warehousing & Data Mining

Our Datawarehousing and Data Mart solutions provide Business Insights that offer the following advantages:

Improves overall profitability of the business.
Provides greater visibility into customers and product sales.
Improves financial performance and maximize profits through: ?Better utilisation of resources
   • Reduction in costs and
   • Higher market penetration.
Works as an enabler for better business decision-making

Data Warehouse

A Data Warehouse is one of the most important elements of a Business Intelligence Solution. It is a database and represents a collection of data in the form of measures (sets of values) and dimensions(description of the values) that are very useful for generating reports. These reports may then be presented as interactive Dashboards for Senior Executives and Management to make better business decisions.

A Data Mart is a sub-set of a Data Warehouse and represents data pertaining to a particular process or department such as Sales, Operations or HR. A Data Warehouse comprises of several Data Marts and represents a collection of the various processes of a company.

A typical Data Warehouse solution includes the following steps:

ETL Process- Extract, Transform and Load data, using Integration Services. This step includes extraction, cleaning, transforming and loading the data to different tables in a Data Warehouse.
Cubes - Development of OLAP Cubes using Analysis Services. A Cube represents the object that contains the measures and dimensions and allow reports to be constructed.
Report Creation - Creation of reports using Reporting Services and Excel. The goal of a Business Intelligence Solution is to provide reports from data to make better business decsions. Reports can be in the form of pre-defined Standard reports, Dashboards or Ad-Hoc reports. Reports can be viewed using tools like Microsoft Excel.
Data Warehousing

Data Mining

Data Mining extracts business intelligence from existing data and analyses trends and patterns to make it useful for better business decision making. Much of this data comes from existing transaction based systems such as CRM, ERP and finacial applications and department databases. This data that is rich in information can be used to extract valuable information and provide insights into business operations. Data Mining uses mathematical algorithms such as Decision Trees, Clustering, Association, Time Series and various Statistical models on a data set.

Some of the data mining services we offer include:

Classification - creation and assigning of categories to data, that will enable creation of targeted marketing efforts.
Clustering creation of related groupings of data based on a set of criteria, clusters can be formed based on income and age
Association - insights from transactional data, can identify products that are purchased together, and helps identify opportunities for cross-selling.
Regression - is used to find patterns in data that are used to determine a numerical value, ex, determine interest rate.
Forecasting -used to determine future values based on present and past values using statistical and machine-learning techniques.
Deviation Analysis - identifying irregularities in data and projecting the same, ex. product defect identification
Scenario Processing - What-if and Goal Seek Analysis - Techniques to create simulations in the data to identify the effects of changes in one attribute when another is modified., ex To increase profit by 10 Percent, what should be the increase in selling price.

For further information please contact us at 080-65680706 or email us at